Disable https with Putty (login to your DSM with http)

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Moderator: Theet

Posts: 202
Joined: Mon 27 Sep 2010, 16:35

Disable https with Putty (login to your DSM with http)

Post by Theet »

1) Log into your DS as root via SSH with putty
2) cd /etc
3) vi synoinfo.conf
4) press "/" and type "runHTTPS" without quotes of course, appropriate settings line will looks like this one: runHTTPS="yes".
5) press "i" key
6) change the runHTTPS="yes" to runHTTPS="no" on settings line
7) press ESC key
8) type ":wq" and press Enter (without quotes)
9) on command line type: /usr/syno/etc/rc.d/S97apache-sys.sh restart
10) open your web browser and try to connect to your DS on its IP address (ex.

Now you should be able to connect to your DSM without HTTPS.